Mir gefällt eure harte Musik und Christina Scabbia hat eine wunderschöne Stimme. Ich freu mich schon ganz dolle euch in Leipzig Live zu erleben. Ihr geht voll ab .
9.inlovewithmaki(27.02.2012 14:49)
Hi there! there'a a new fan page of Marco Coti Zelati on Facebook!!! There are a loooot of pictures never seen before!!!!! go and like it!!!
Answer: Thank you
8.JOHN McMURTRIE(19.01.2012 02:56)
The picture of Cristina holding the sledgehammer is infringement of copyright. Please remove it from your site.
Answer: ок
7.EvA(16.08.2010 15:01)
I really enjoy your site, it's greatly done so congratulations! I especially like the photo gallery, it's easy to use and has many wonderful pics! One question: is there an english version of the gallery? I would like to do a gallery myself, for my own pics, but I can't speak russian. I would like something like the fb5 gallery but in english. Is that possible? Thanks!!
Answer: It's possible, but we actually don't know much about such galleries, sorry. Search for "free gallery" for example.
6.urangel(27.07.2010 07:47)
be great to see more of you in canada at a festival in july lol
5.Lulu(11.06.2010 04:50)
Hey !
Thank you so much for posting our interview on your fan site! I feel blessed to have met Andrea and the band for this great interview. I watched the show in total awww. Lacuna Coil has been one of my favorite bands since awhile now.
I must add, this site looks awesome! What a fantastic job!!!
oops, I forgot to give you my mail : justine-pascal@live.fr & my site http://www.endless-beauty.net/
3.June(01.04.2010 15:47)
Hi! I love your site as well as I'm a huge fan of Lacuna Coil and I would like to know if we could ba affiliates ? Have a nice day
2.Weronika(14.02.2010 00:59)
Beautiful site. Wanna become an affiliates?
Answer: Ok, give us code of your banner.
1.Karo(09.12.2009 09:40)
Hello guys I'm from Mexico, I just have to say you're doing a nice job on the site, I really like it. I would like to contact with coilers everywhere, so if you want to add me to facebook it would be awesome. facebook.com/dethcode
Cheers and keep on going this site as cool as the one you're doing right now.
Answer: Thank you very much!
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