On February, 20th Cristina has posted a new video to her Facebook's official community where she thanks her fans and shares some news on the forthcoming album.
You can watch this video here or read the text of the message below:
«Hello everyone from Cristina! Welcome to my house! I wanna take too much of your time, this is just a short message to say thank you very much to all the members of this community which is growing up every day and that makes me extremely happy. This family’s becoming bigger and bigger and you’re really passionate about it. And you know this makes me feel your love every day. Thank you for all the messages and the support. And the other reason why I’m here is because I want to give you more news about the album; it’s actually a little bit too early to talk about it so you will forgive me if I cannot really tell you too much. What I can say is that nowadays we are demo-ing stuff and we have a lot of stuff ready. We’re gonna be entering the studio soon and the album will be released this year. So we have to be leaving more patient but believe me that I will say I wanna keep you updated as much as I can and as soon as I be able to give you more and more news I will do it right away, so again thank you so much I hope you’re havening a great time wherever you're at, whatever you’re doing. Horns up! I hope to meet you soon and I will talk with you guys from this pages. Love you all! *kissing*»